Community Composting
What is drop-off community composting?
It’s a solution for food waste that can’t be composted at home: meat, fish, bones, dairy, grains, and more.
Your town establishes a voluntary drop-off program
Residents collect food scraps at home, then drop off their scraps at a convenient location
A commercial composter carts away the food scraps and composts them
The finished, nutrient-rich compost is sold to farms and garden centers

Why participate?
On average, American households waste 30-40% of the food they purchase
In a landfill, good waste decomposes anaerobically, producing methane, a powerful greenhouse gas
Also known as “food scrap recycling,” it eliminates a major portion of what we send to landfills.
For the cost of a countertop container and transport bin, anyone can participate: apartments, condos, single family homes
How can I bring community composting
to my town?
Click the blue button above to let your town know you’re interested
Stay informed. Click here to receive composting updates
When resident interest is sufficient, we’ll propose the program to your town board
You can help by sharing a link to this page with friends and neighbors
Does my town have community composting?