Sustainable Putnam

Yorktown Repair Café

Grace Lutheran Church 3830 Gomer Street, Yorktown Heights, New York, United States

A Repair Café is a FREE community event. Bring your broken but beloved items and volunteer repair coaches help you FIX THEM! What kinds of items get fixed?LAMPS • VACUUMS […]


Heat Pump Webinar

This virtual webinar is hosted by Phillipstown's Climate Smart Task Force, with a panel discussion followed by a question and answer segment. Panelists include Chandu Visweswariah of CURE 100, Alexandra […]


Mahopac Repair Café

Mahopac Middle School 425 Baldwin Place Rd, Mahopac, New York, United States

Bring your broken lamp, small appliance, jewelry, toy, or article of clothing that needs mending for a FREE repair.  Visitors are expected to stay, perhaps enjoy a cup of tea or […]
